Members of the Department perform various independent research projects in the following areas:

- Formation of graphic knowledge during the period of independent Kazakhstan's formation (Zh.A. Temerbayeva, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor);

- Credit system of education (a case study of the Design program) (M.B. Biryukova, Senior Lecturer);

- Graphic signs in applied and decorative arts: history and continuity (Zh.K. Taniyeva, Senior Lecturer);

- The history of urban policy in Kazakhstan (1917-1985) (Ye.N. Suleymenov, Senior Lecturer);

- National features of the architecture of the Middle Irtysh region (U.Ye. Kairbekov, Associate Professor);

- Formation of creative thinking of students majoring in Design (a course in Ergonomics) (A.K. Yerezhepova, Lecturer);

- Formation of professional competence of future architects and designers (D.N. Seytmoldinov, Senior Lecturer).

Main achievements in the field of research

The Department's academic staff members perform 7 independent research projects; they have published over 36 research papers. Research conferences for students have been held. Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor Zh.A. Temerbayeva won the title of the Best Head of the Department at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Students and academics of the Department take an active part in such conferences as:

- Satpayev Conference held by S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University;

- Toraighyrov Conference held by S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University;

- International Research Conference at TarSPI, Taraz;

- Aymautov Conference held by S. Toraighyrov PSU and dedicated to the 120th birthday of Zhusipbek Aymautov;

- 2nd Sh. Chokin Conference held by S. Toraighyrov PSU;

In total, members of the Department have published over 40 works, including 2 monographs, 4 study guides.

Students of the Department take an active part in competitions of architects and designers:

- 3rd National Competition of Young Designers “DesKAZ Almaty 2010” (2nd and 3rd place diplomas);

- International review-competition of graduation projects in architecture and construction (2nd and 3rd places in 2010; 1st and 2nd places in 2009);

- Festival of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Chimkent (1st place diplomas).

Research activities are included in individual plans of all members of the Department.

The Department works in close cooperation with the corresponding departments of the leading universities of our Republic and other countries.

The effectiveness of research projects implementation is evidenced by successful defense of Candidate's dissertations; publication of study guides; presentations at regional and international research conferences; publications in various research journals. Most of the research results are used in the educational process.

Members of the Department's academic staff annually take part in intra-university and national competitions, exhibitions and research conferences.

Students’ Research Activities

Students participate in competitions, exhibitions and conferences on an annual basis. They also publish the results of their research activities in proceedings of research conferences; take part in competitions of graduation projects in the field of architecture and design. Zh.A. Temerbayeva, G.N. Starkova, U.I. Kairbekova, Ye.N. Suleymenova, Zh.K. Taniyeva, and D.N. Seytmoldinova supervise the execution of students' graduation projects.