Zhalmagambetova Ultuar
Deputy Dean for Research
Scholastic degree
1988-1993 Karaganda Polytechnic University. Electrical engineer of information and measuring equipment. 2010-2012 S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Master's Degree in Automation and Management 2017-2020 Almaty, PhD
Professional experience
Subjects taught
Automation of technological processes, Theory of automatic control, Information and measurement technology, Fundamentals of technological control, Corrosion and conservation of power equipment, Theoretical foundations of thermal engineering.
Scientific publications
1 Thermal analysis of coals of Kpzakhstan deposits, Bogomolov A.R., Petrov I.Ya, Zhalmagambetova U.K. / Teploenergetika.Moscow, RSCI/March 2020 2 Thermal analysis of Kazakhstan coals, Bogomolov A., Petrov I., Zhalmagambetova U./ Thermal engineering /Web of sciences / March 2020, CiteScore for 2019 1.5, general engineering hospital 47 3.Application of coal thermal treatment technology for oil-free firing of boilers, Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. 2018, V 55, CiteScore for 2017 0.8, percentage of general engineering 42, 4 Provision of an isolated village with various types of energy at an acceptable cost, Bulletin of PSU, No. 4, 2017, 5 On the advantages of oil-free kindling of boilers, using the technology of obtaining volatile combustible substances from coal, Bulletin of PSU, No. 4, 2017 6 Providing the isolated localities with various energy types at the acceptable cost, International Conference TE-RE-RD May 31 - June 2., 2018. 7 On the advantages of the method of oil-free kindling of boilers, II MNPK "Modern trends in boiler construction" AlSTU, 2018. 8 Transition to a three–pipe system - a variant of saving drinking water printed, IV All-Russian STC, Energy and energy saving: theory and practice", 2018. 9 Application of mini-CHP for power supply of remote settlements, All-Russian RPC "Energy and energy saving: theory and practice", p. 2018 10 Technologies of oil-free boiler kindling and stabilization of ignition of a pulverized coal torch Gorenje gorenje on thermal power plants, Quarterly Journal of the Scientific Council on Combustion and Explosion at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Combustion Problems of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2019 11 Ways to provide communal services. Bulletin of the TOU 12Optimization of heat supply and water system for remote rural gediopsVestnik of the TOU 13 Patent of the PM RK "Hot water boiler for heat energy and combustible gas" 14 Patent of the MP RK "Autonomous solid fuel gozo and power generating plant" 15 Patent of the PM RK "Combined system of autonomous power supply" 16 Patent of the PM RK "Autonomous source of gas- power supply
Field of scientific research
Technology of providing various types of energy
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Within the framework of professional development, she received certificates: - Management in education, "ZIAT"; Thermal analysis of coal from Kazakhstan deposits, MPEI of the Russian Federation; Automation of metallurgical production, etc; - "Kashyktyktan okytu zhagdayynda studentterdin ozindik zhumysyn uyymdastyru", TALAP; - Technikalyk zhane kasiptik, orta bilimnen keyngi bilim beru uyymdaryndagi kashyktyktan okytu: contentin kurudan bastap oku procesin uyymdastyruga dein ",TALAP; - "Pedagogterdin IT-kuzirettilikterin damytu zhane zhetildiru", TALAP; - "Current problems in Metallurgy", International Symposium "Sustainable Energy and Power Engineering – 2021: SUSE – 202; -"MS Exel" basic and advanced level
Room number, building
Office phone
Automation of technological processes, Theory of automatic control, Information and measurement technology, Fundamentals of technological control, Corrosion and conservation of power equipment, Theoretical foundations of thermal engineering.