Olzhas Manarbekovich Talipov
Scholastic degree
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor (Associate Professor) KKSON
1996-2001, S. Toraigyrova Pavlodar State University, bachelor - Thermal power plants, 2001-2004, S. Toraigyrova Pavlodar State University, graduate school - Industrial heat power engineering, 2005-2007, S. Toraigyrova Pavlodar State University, 2nd higher - Economics, 2008-2010, S. Toraigyrova Pavlodar State University, master's degree - Heat power, 2014-2017, S. Toraigyrova Pavlodar State University, Doctoral PhD - Power Engineering.
Professional experience
21 years
Subjects taught
«Сығымдағыштар мен жылулық қозғалтқыштар», «Нагнетатели и тепловые двигатели», «Өнеркәсіп және ЖЭС шығырлар қондырғыларын қолдану», «Эксплуатация турбинного оборудования ТЭС и промышленных предприятий». Руководство дипломными и магистерскими проектами.
Scientific publications
45 scientific publications, including 1 article included in the Scopus database, 6 RF patents included in the Web of Science database, 6 Kazakhstan patents, 14 articles in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, 4 international conferences, etc.
Field of scientific research
Relay protection of electric power systems
Awards, diplomas and certificates
“Organization of the educational process on the credit system of education”, “The Modern Types of Power Plants”, “Automated Information System for High School“ PLATONUS ””, “Energy audit and energy management” (250 hours), “Relay protection and automation of the main electrical equipment of power plants” . He completed internships: Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (NITPU), Omsk State Technical University (Omsk State Technical University) and others. Expert certificate in specialization "Engineering networks and systems" No. KZ79VJE00020212.
Room number, building
Office phone
1166, 67-3657