Scholastic degree
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Scholastic degree
HAC Professor
higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Biology and Agriculture (1985); postgraduate studies in Biology (1989) and Parasitology (2004) at the Institute of Zoology
Professional experience
34 years
Subjects taught
Bloodsucking Insects of Pavlodar Region; Functional Morphology of Vertebrates; Topical Problems of Modern General Parasitology
Scientific publications
Scientific publications more than 40 scientific articles have been published. 1. Ultrastructure and functional morphology of skin in male and female trematodes Dendrithobilharcia Purverulenta (Braun, 1901) (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae) // Int J Pharm Bio Sci. - 2016. - Vol. 7 (2). - R. 257-263. 2. Ways of adaptation of trematodes to a parasitic lifestyle // Priorities of world science: experiment and scientific discussion: materials of the X international scientific. conference- North Charleston; South Carolina, 2016 .-- Part 1. - P. 42-48. 3. Micromorphology of male reproductive system and spermatogenesis of trematode Azygia lucii // 7th International Conference on Science and Technology by SCIEURO. - London, 2016 .-- P. 139-145. 4. Peculiarities of the structure of male reproductive system in trematode Parastrigea robusta (Trematoda: Strigeidae) // On Line Journal of Biological Sciences. - 2017. - Vol. 17 (2). - З. 88-94. 5. Features of the structural organization of the gland of Melis trematoda with an undifferentiated body Dendrithobilharcia purverulenta (Braun, 1901) // Topical problems and prospects for the development of modern science: mater. III international scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. - SPb., 2017 .-- P. 15-20. 6. Ecological bases of biological control of the Simuliidae abundance on the Irtysh in Pavlodar region // Chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics: theoretical and applied research: collection of articles. collection of articles on the materials of the XV international scientific-practical conference - Moscow, 2018. - No. 9 (8). - P. 15-21. 7. Aқuyzdar ekspressiasyny өsimdіktі zhүyusі // Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov ENU. - 2018. - No. 4 (125) / 2018. - P. 49-58. 8. The functional role of vitelline and Melis's body of the trematode Parastrigea robusta // Bulletin of KSU named after E.A. Buketov. - 2019 - # 1 (93) / 2019. - P. 57-65. 9. To the question of the peculiarities of the infestation of wild waterfowl by marita trematodes of the Prosthogonimidae family in Pavlodar region // VI interregional scientific conference of parasitologists of Siberia and the Far East "Parasitological research in Siberia and the Far East", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the doctor of biological sciences, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Gulyaev. - Novosibirsk, 2019 .-- P. 86-88.
Field of scientific research
Parasitology, invertebrate zoology, vertebrate zoology, cytology.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
He participated in many international conferences, including foreign ones. Member of the Russian Society of Helmitologists, member of the International Association of Helminthologists (ICOPA). He was a member of the Dissertation Council at KazNIVI (KazAgroInnovation JSC (Almaty)), an expert of the monitoring committee in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the regional Ecology Council. In 2011, he completed a scientific internship at the Department of Cellular Biology and Histology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Moscow), as part of an internship, he read a special course for students in the amount of 22 hours on the ultrastructure of cells, organs and tissues of trematodes. He is a pioneer in the study of the fauna, biology and phenology of midges developing in the Irtysh river channel, within the Pavlodar region, and since 1999 has been the head of the scientific group for the support of insecticidal measures at the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Pavlodar region. The result of the aforementioned work is the development of an algorithm for the use of bacterial larvocidal drugs in rivers, which is successfully used annually during the period of mass exodus of blood-sucking midges in Pavlodar. This technique is approved for use in the countries of the customs union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. In the period 2008-2009. developed the technology of using the biological preparation “Bacticid” in river conditions for biological control of the number of blood-sucking midge larvae on the instructions of Sibbifarm LLC (Novosibirsk, Russia). This drug is first introduced into production. Within the framework of international cooperation, he organized and led two international expeditions with the participation of Kazakh and Russian scientists (2012), with the participation of Kazakhstan, Russian and scientists from the UK (2008). He was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2013