Awards, diplomas and certificates
2020 - Passed advanced training on the acquisition of new leadership and strategic competencies in the 4th stream of the Corporate University "Jascongress University" 2020. 2020 - Participation in the Republican Project for the Development of Youth Journalism "Jas Qalam", implemented by the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation and the Youth Congress of Kazakhstan, and passing 46 hours of training in the basics of journalism in the following areas: blogging, social networks and PR, television journalism, Internet journalism and print journalism. 2020 - Participation in the information campaign CHILDREN'S RIGHTS #әрбірбалаүшін of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the National Volunteer Network. 2020 - Participation in the project "Жаңа жағдайдағы жастар: Іс-қимыл кезеңі". 2021 - Participation in the Academy of Legal Literacy. 2021 - Participation in the "21st Satbayev Readings" International Scientific Conference of Young Scholars, Master's, Bachelor's, and School Students. 2021 - Participation in the training "Media and information literacy, to improve the critical thinking of young people in Central Asia". 2021 - Online course on DEVELOPING CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE THINKING SKILLS. This course was developed within the framework of the educational space CAYSPACE under the leadership of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty. 2021 - Online course on DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS. This course was developed within the framework of the educational space CAYSPACE under the leadership of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty.
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