Research Work and Students’ Research Activities

The Faculty of Natural Sciences implements work on Grant funding projects:

1) "Development of an ecological system of phytosanitary control of destructive biota (phytophages and phytopathogens) of spring wheat in the North-East of Kazakhstan". Scientific adviser: PhD, assoc. Professor of the Department "Biology and Ecology" Ualiyeva R.M.

2) “Dendroclimatic research using the gradient method (transect) on the territory of the state forest natural reserve "SEMEY ORMANY”. Supervisor: Doctor PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology and Ecology Mapitov N.B.

3) "Metal-organic coordination polymers based on azoles: synthesis, study of properties, production of new multifunctional materials". Scientific adviser: PhD, assoc. professor of the department "Chemistry and chemical technologies" Kasanova A.Zh.

4) "Development of an innovative way of using hard-to-use household waste in the production of environmentally friendly building materials". Scientific adviser: head of the department "Chemistry and chemical technologies", Ph.D., assoc. Professor Elubay M.A.

At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, work is being carried out on grant funding for young scientists under the Zhas Galym projects:

1) "Water-Emissions-Energy nexus – development of a tool to assess perspectives for water circularity in Kazakhstan". Supervisor: Doctor PhD, postdoctoral student (with a scientific degree) of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Radelyuk I.M.

2) "Estimation of accumulation and distribution of microelements in atmospheric fallout (snow cover), soils, vegetable crops in urbanized areas of Pavlodar". Supervisor: doctor PhD, postdoctoral student (with a scientific degree) of the department "Geography and Tourism" Faurat A.A.

At the Faculty of Natural Sciences, work is carried out on projects on a contractual basis:

1) "Organization of scientific support for biological control of the number of blood-sucking midges and mosquitoes using bacterial preparations in the floodplain of the Irtysh River". Customer: Zheldordisinfection-Pavlodar LLP. Supervisor: Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Akhmetov K.K.

2) “Analysis of the possibility of reducing emissions of carbon monoxide formed in the process of electrolysis of aluminum in the electrolysis baths of KEZ JSC”. Customer: JSC Kazakhstan electrolysis plant. Supervisor: Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Masakbayeva S.R.

The total amount of funding for research work carried out by the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 2022 amounted to 83 959 483.9 tenge.

All members of the teaching staff of the faculty take part in the implementation of various independent research projects.

Key research areas:

• study of the biology, ecology and phenology of midges and mosquitoes to develop measures against biting insects;

• preservation and restoration of biodiversity in the Irtysh river floodplain;

• developing a framework of the Irtysh River water programs;

• cellular, tissue mechanisms of adaptation of parasitic flatworms to the conditions of existence;

• study of the conformational states of liquid-crystalline compounds;

• radical reactions of iodineliphatic compounds;

• environmental and geo-environmental aspects of transboundary water resources management of the Irtysh River;

• reproduction of fertility and ecological functions of soils;

• biology and rhythms of plant development;

• remediation of soils contaminated with petroleum products;

• recovery of ash dump and post-industrial lands with restoration of the natural self-sustaining landscape;

• toponymy of Pavlodar region;

• improvement of environmental education quality at the preschool and school levels, development of environmental culture in educational institutions and etc.

Subjects of students' graduation works and projects are based on the Department's areas of research and cover a wide range of problems; topicality of graduation theses and projects is discussed with specialists from the companies where students pass their industrial practice. New methods and technologies for collection of material are used in preparing graduation theses and projects. Best Bachelor and Master students have an opportunity to continue their education and enter Master's and Doctoral degree programs respectively.

Students, undergraduates and doctoral students of various courses of study take an active part in the scientific circles of the faculty under the guidance of the teaching staff, participate in projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the guidance of Scientific supervisors.

Participation of students of the faculty in olympiads and scientific competitions of various levels:

1. The “AirFlux” team took the 1st place in the Republican intellectual team competition “Student Energy Challenge”. Team leader: Ualiyeva R.M. (Nur-Sultan, 2020).

2. The team of NJSC "Toraigyrov University" "Scientia" consisting of 3 people, led by Ualiyeva R.M., took II place at the Republican Student Olympiad in Biology (Almaty, 2022):

1) Osipova Anastasia Vyacheslavovna (group B-102), took 3rd place in the individual competition.

2) Boztaev Almas Bauyrzhanovich (group B-302), took 3rd place in the individual competition.

3) Mukhutdinova Alina Yurievna (group B-302), took 3rd place in the individual competition.

3. Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty "5B073100 / 6B11201 - Life safety and environmental protection" at the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Erdeulet Ikhtiyaruly Abdiraimov, a student of the group ҚОҚ - 301, took the 1st place. Head - Arynova Sh.

4. Graduate student Kairzhanova Aidana (group MB-22n) took II place in the II Republican distance competition ZIAT, Nur-Sultan, 2021.

5. Participation in the Republican subject Olympiad of students in the specialty "5B072100 - Chemical technology of organic substances": Team "TOD" leader Kasanova A.Zh.: Kiselev O.V., Tazhmulikov D.B., Nurmakanov T.A.

According to the results of the Olympiad Team "TOD" - was awarded a diploma of II degree in the team championship;

In the individual championship were awarded:

- Yamaltdinov Bogan Maratovich was awarded a diploma of the II degree;

- Nurmakanov Temerlan Asetovich was awarded a diploma of the III degree.

6. Students gr. KhTOV-301(eng) Yamaltdinov Bogan Maratovich, Shakenov Bakhtiyar Maratovich were awarded the 1st degree Diploma of the V International Competition of Students’ Scientific Works on the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, February-May 2022. Scientific adviser - candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Elubay M.A.

7. The 2022 research and development competition in the section “Chemical technology of organic substances” was awarded with a diploma of the Ministry of the III degree to Shakenov Bakhtiyar Maratovich, Yamaltdinov Bogdan Maratovich on the research topic “New materials based on household polymer waste”. Scientific adviser - candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Elubay M.A.

8. Students of groups G-301 and G-401 took 2nd place in geography in the Republican subject Olympiad among universities (Pavlodar, 2018). Supervisor: PhD, Associate Prof. Kairova Sh.G.;

9. Students and undergraduates of the 1st course, took 2nd place in the II International Distance Olympiad of Students in Tourism, scientific supervisor Ph.D., Associate Prof. Azhaev G.S.

10. Student of the group Tur-302 Dzhanargalieva M.R. became the owner of the Presidential Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for gifted students.

11. Master student of the 1st course, group MG-12n Kasymova Aliya was awarded Algys Khat of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from the Minister A. Aimagambetov (2021).

12. Master student of the 1st year, group MTur-12n Tembaeva Dayana took 1st place at the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation on Tourism, Almaty, April 6, 2021.