Students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are actively involved in the scientific life of the university. Every year, the university hosts the traditional scientific conference "Satpayev Readings" of young scientists, students and schoolchildren with publications in multi-volume collections of scientific articles, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Toraigyrov Readings", the International scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific foundations of Mashkhurov Studies and the modern development of the humanities".
The faculty has a number of scientific and practical centers: Institute of Socio-Political Studies, Joint Archaeological Research Center named after A.H. Margulan, SPC of History and Ethnography of the region named after Bekmakhanova, NPC of ethnopedagogics and innovative technologies of education named after Zh. Aimauytov, NPC "Mashkhurovedenie".
Every year faculty members participate in the FINNIR.
As part of a grant project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, faculty members became the owners of a grant project:
№ | Project name | Director | |
1 | "Folklore activity of Alash scientists at the beginning of the twentieth century" | doctor of philological sciences, professor N. K. Zhusupov | |
2 | Entrepreneurial University as a way of transformation of higher education in Kazakhstan: problems of transition" | PhD, Associate Professor Aubakirova Saltanat Sovetovna | |
3 | "Artistic and aesthetic environment of Pavlodar region in the second half of the twentieth century"
| Popandopulo M.P. | |
4 | "Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competencies of university students with special educational needs (on the example of the Pavlodar region).
| Aubakirova R.Zh. | |
5 | Axiological dominants of Kazakh linguoculture: traditions and innovation (based on the material of everyday virtual communication). | Ergalieva Samal Zhanatkyzy PhD, Associate Professor | |
6 | Development of the metacognitive sphere of the personality of adolescents as a basis for effective professional self-determination | Kudysheva Ainash Amangeldievna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor |
There are also 2 Dissertation Councils at the faculty:
1. Pedagogy and psychology.
2. Philology
Faculty members of the faculty actively participate in the competition "Zhas galym". Within the framework of this program, Azhenov A.A., Popandopulo A.S., Shcherbakova E.P., Rakhimov M.I. implement postdoctoral programs.
At the same time, the teaching staff of the faculty annually participate in the competitions "Bolashak", "The best researcher", "The best teacher of the university". The winners of these competitions are: The best researcher" 2021, - Anesova A.Zh.
"The best university teacher" - S.S. Aubakirova (2020), S.K. Ergalieva (2021), N.K. Zhusupov (2021), B.T. Kuanysheva (2022), M.Zh. Kozhamzharova (2022).
Also at the Faculty there are scientific journals included in the COXON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Bulletin TOU. Philology series.
Tel. 8 (7182)67-36-31, int. 11-57