Bayan Bolatovna Zhumabekova
Scholastic degree
Master of Education
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Russian Language and Literature Teacher at non-Russian-medium schools (2003), a Master’s degree in Humanities earned from S. Toraighyrov PSU (2012)
Professional experience
18 years
Subjects taught
Russian Language, Professional Russian Language
Scientific publications
1.Sbornik tests in Russian language. Uroven B1. Pavlodar, 2021. - 92s.B. B. Zhumabekova, B. V. Nurgozhina. 2.comprehensive education as a trend / material of the International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XXI Satpayev meetings". - Volume 8. - Pavlodar, 2021. 3.youth slang as one of the factors of participation of Russian language students with state language training in Vuse / materials of the international scientific conference "XXI Satpayev meetings". - Volume 17. - Pavlodar, 2021. 4.multilingualism as a trend of modern development / materials of the International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XXI Satpayev meetings". - Volume 8. - Pavlodar, 2021. 5.reflection of the national image of the world in the names of the Kazakh people / material of the International Scientific Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and shkolnikov "XXI Satpayev meetings". - Volume 3. - Pavlodar, 2021. 6. " contiguous
Field of scientific research
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Letters of thanks from the leadership of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Pavlodar regional organization of the branch Trade Union of Education and Science Workers. Certificates (35) of International seminars (Pavlodar – Kemerovo - Vitebsk) - 2012, -- certificate of completion of a refresher course on the topic "Management in education" in the amount of 72 hours. Pavlodar, 2021. - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "Topical issues of Russian philology" (72 hours), Pavlodar, 2019. - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "Actual problems of modern rhetoric" (72 hours), Russian Federation. Kemerovo, 2012. - certificate of completion of the advanced training course of Dr. Polit.Professor of the Sofia University named after St. Clement of Orchids (Bulgaria), International Mediation coach "Intercultural Communication and Conflict resolution in the academic environment" (72 hours), Pavlodar, 2019. - certificate of participation in the International Educational-met
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Office phone
67-36-31 (11-57)