Dana Aybolatovna Azamatova
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Heat Power Engineering
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, 220140 Thermal Power Plants (2000); Master's degree in 6N071700 Heat Power Engineering
Professional experience
15 years
Subjects taught
Physical and Chemical Methods of Water Treatment; Water-Chemical Conditions of Thermal Power Plant; Heat and Teсhnical Measurements and Control; Engineering Ecology
Scientific publications
Intergranular corrosion of chromium-nickel steels; Optimization of the elements of the thermal circuit of the energy technology unit using mathematical modeling; Membrane water treatment technologies and membrane filters
Field of scientific research
improving the energy efficiency and reliability of heat power equipment
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Professional development courses: - Methodological Problems of Student Education in the Learning Process for Young Teachers; - Education Quality Monitoring; - Organization of Learning Process Based on the Credit System of Education; - The Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning; - Engineering and Marketing Aspects of Sustainable Energetics; - For the participation in Elsevier ScienceDirect and Scopus Training