Askhat Nurlanovich Berguzinov
Scholastic degree
Scholastic degree
Associate professor
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Heat Power Engineering (2006); a Master’s degree in Heat Power Engineering earned from S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2008); postgraduate studies (Ph.D.) in Electrical Power Engineering at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2015).
Professional experience
16 years
Subjects taught
Corrosion and conservation of power equipment, Theoretical foundations of heat engineering, Heating and heating networks, Heat and power systems and energy use
Scientific publications
more than 100 scientific publications 1. Клецель М.Я., Бергузинов А.Н. Патент РК № 31822, «Устройство для максимальной токовой защиты закрытых токопроводов на герконах», опубл. 16.01.2017, бюл. № 1. 2. Алимгазин А.Ш., Бергузинов А.Н., Султангузин И.А., Петин Ю.М., Анализ возможностей применения тепловых насосов с использованием геотермальной теплоты артезианских скважин для автономного теплоснабжения объектов в Павлодарской области, Вестник КГЭУ № 4 (48), том 12, Казань, 2020 г. 3. Алимгазин А.Ш., Бергузинов А.Н. Применение блочно-модульной теплонасосной установки для утилизации теплоты систем технического водоснабжения промышленных предприятий Республики Казахстан, Вестник КазАТК № 4 (119), Алматы, 2021 г.
Field of scientific research
1. Energy saving and improving the energy efficiency of heat supply systems 2. Relay protection of electric power systems
Awards, diplomas and certificates
professional development courses: "Operation of automated electrical and heat supply systems using renewable energy sources", "Relay protection and automation of the main electrical equipment of power plants", "Mixed learning in modern education", "Development and implementation of a quality management system. Organization of internal audit", etc. Certificate of the energy auditor in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement No. KZ16VWE00001309.