Dubinets Natalya Alexandrovna
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Engineering
Higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, specializing in "Power" (qualification - electrical engineer), 1986; Kiev Research and Production Center with a degree in Software (qualification - programmer), 1986; Master of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova (PSU), specialty 6M070300 - Information Systems, 2012; MSU master's degree in specialty 6M070900 - Metallurgy, 2017; PSU in the specialty “Vocational training” (qualification - Bachelor of Education), 2018
Professional experience
total work experience 40 years, scientific and pedagogical - 8 years.
Subjects taught
Transient processes in electrical complexes, Transient processes in electrical power systems, Electrotechnological industrial installations, Reliability and emergency situations in the electrical power industry, Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment of electrical power systems, Safety precautions in electrical installations
Scientific publications
published over 40 scientific and educational works: «Использование новых педагогических технологий как средство повышения качества образования» (Материалы Междун. науч. конф. «XVI Сатпаевские чтения», Павлодар, 2016), «Актуальные проблемы охраны и безопасности труда металлургического кластера Казахстана» (Материалы Междун. науч. конф. «XVI Сатпаевские чтения», Павлодар, 2016), «Актуальность и исторические аспекты формирования экологической культуры» (Материалы Междун. науч.-практ. конф. «IX Торайгыровские чтения», Павлодар, 2017), «Методика профессионального обучения: учебное пособие» («Кереку», Павлодар, 2017), «Предметно-содержательный контекст экологического образования в Павлодарском государственном университете им. С. Торайгырова»» (Материалы Междун. науч.-практ. конф. «Актуальные проблемы экологии и природопользования Павлодарской области», Павлодар, 2018), «Кәсіптік оқыту әдістемесі: оқу құралы» («Кереку», Павлодар, 2018) Determination of relative humidity using an Assmann psychrometer, The influence of the temperature regime of a classroom, Effective use of an electric furnace in the production of ferrospins, Analysis of an electromagnetic wave using the example of calculation and modeling of the directivity of a rhombic antenna, Intelligent system for automated control of heating processes, Mathematical solutions for increasing the efficiency of distribution networks 6-10 kV in power supply systems of industrial enterprises, Analysis of issues of increasing the reliability of relay protection to ensure load stability of industrial enterprises of continuous production and others.
Field of scientific research
the development of intelligent learning systems based on the modeling of the educational process; improvement of the labor safety complex at the metallurgical enterprise.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
a letter of thanks from Tyumen State University (2014), a letter of thanks from the St. Petersburg Institute of Project Management (2015), courses - Universitat Politechnica de Valencia, specializing in Teaching techniques development (2015), “Digital technologies and interactive approaches in the educational process” (2021), “Transition processes in electric power systems electromagnetic compatibility" (2022), Power supply for industrial enterprises (2022)
Room number, building
building A, room 240