Aset Uralbaevich Gabdulov
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
Master of Electricity
Higher, PSU. S. Toraigyrova
Subjects taught
«Мамандыққа кіріспе және зерттеудің негіздері», «Дәстүрлі емес және жандандырылған энергия көздері», «Электржетек», «Электр станцияларды жобалау», «Энергия үнемдеу және энергетикалық менеджмент», «Энергосбережение и энергетический менеджмент»
Scientific publications
1. Shapkenov B.K., Markovsky V.P., Kislov A.P., Zhumadirova A.K., Kaydar A. B., Kaydar M.B., Gabdulov A.U., Shokaev D.T., Asylova Zh.E., Asylov N.E. Modular model structure of muiti - motor vehicle (article). Scientific collection "Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren of the XVIII Satpayev readings", - Pavlodar: PSU named after S. Toraigyrova, 2018-477b (p. 290-295) 2. Shapkenov B.K., Markovsky V.P., Kislov A.P., Ashimova A.K., Kaydar A. B., Kaydar M.B., Gabdulov A.U. Problems of protection of low-voltage distribution networks in rural areas (article). Scientific collection "Materials of the international scientific-practical conference of the XI Toraigyrov readings", Volume 4 - Pavlodar: PSU named after S. Toraigyrova, 2019-353b (p. 226-235) 3. Shapkenov B. K., Markovsky V. P., Kislov A. P., Ashimova A. K., Kaydar M. B., Gabdulov A.U. The impact of electric current on the human body (article). Scientific collection "Materials of the international scientific-practical conference of the XI Toraigyrov readings", Volume 4 - Pavlodar: PSU named after S. Toraigyrova, 2019-353b (p. 273-278)
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Certificate of participation in the Thomson Reuters Resource Research Seminar. 2. Certificate for listening to lectures by foreign lecturer Dr. PhD Hocan Dogan in the discipline "Wireless Technology". 3. Certificate for listening to lectures by a foreign lecturer, Dr. PhD Hafez Abdo on the topic "Continuous professional development in the field of energy, environmental protection, engineering safety and industrial ecology". 4. Certificate for listening to a lecture course of a foreign lecturer, SES expert Peter Althoff on the topic “Using bioenergy for electricity production”. 5. Certificate for listening to a lecture course of a foreign lecturer, SES expert Peter Althoff on the topic "Renewable energy - solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy". 6. Certificate for listening to lectures by a foreign lecturer, Professor of Southwestern University Neofit Rilsky (Bulgaria) Mitko Denev Stoeva on the topic "Operation of automated systems of electricity and heat supply using renewable energy sources" (04.12.2019-14.12.2019)