Yersen Kapsamadovich Ordabayev
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
associate professor of HAC, professor of PSU
1. Higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, specialty - 0523 "Internal Combustion Engines", 1971 2. The candidate of technical sciences, specialty - 05.04.02 "Heat Engines", the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, 1979
Professional experience
53 years
Subjects taught
Power Units of Transportation Vehicles; Ecological Safety of Automobiles
Scientific publications
more than 60
Field of scientific research
Fleet vehicles internal combustion engines
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Candidate's dissertation defence, 1979 2. Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006). 3. Certificate for completion of a course held by Distri Lab LLC at S. Toraighyrov PSU (2010) 4. Certificate for completion of a course in Application of Distance Learning Technologies in the Educational Process (72 hours, 2013) 5. 2016 Professional development practical training at the scientific research and transport institute (72 hours).