Tyuleugazy Tokilovich Toktaganov
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Professor, Associate Professor
1. Higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, specialty - 0513 "Cars and tractors» 1969 2. The candidate of technical sciences, specialty - 05.05.03. "Wheeled and tracked vehicles", Moscow Automotive Institute, 1975
Professional experience
50 years
Subjects taught
Professional Kazakh Language; Introduction to Profession; Means of Transport; Methodology and Methods for Scientific Research; Fundamentals of Scientific Experiments, etc.
Scientific publications
more than 100 1. Russian-Kazakh Dictionary on vehicles. - Pavlodar: NPF "ECO", 2000. - p.128 2. Russian-Kazakh Dictionay. Transport. Pavlodar, TOO "ECO", 2006. - S.473. Co-authors. K.K. Abishev, T.K. Kumarov 3. " Tractors test equipment and technology " - a teaching guide. Kereku - Pavlodar, 2006. - S.210 4. "Basic scientific research". teaching guide, Pavlodar, 2008 edition of Kereku, p. 83. 5. "Introduction to the profession. Types of transport. Lecture Complex "PSU" Kereku. " Pavlodar, 2014, 69 pages, co-author: Tanirbergenova J. R.
Field of scientific research
power units of transportation vehicles
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Diploma from Burevestnik VSS, December 7, 1971; 2. Candidate's dissertation defence, 1975; 3. certificate from PII (1980); 4. Certificate of Honour from PII (1981); 5. Certificate of Honour from the Regional Council of Trade Unions (1989); 6. Certificate of Honour from PII (1989); 7. Certificate of Honour from S. Toraighyrov PSU; 8. Certificate of Honour from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 9. badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2002); 10. badge of honor “Honorary Machine Builder of Kazakhstan” (2007); 11. Sultanmakhmut Torayghyrov Gold Medal (2010); 12. Diplomaof corresponding member of Academy, Almaty, 11.04.2013, the National academy of sciences of engineering and transport; 13. The Pavlodar Region 75th Anniversary Medal.14.– The Medal for Services to Pavlodar Region, Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan 25th Anniversary Medal.