Nurzhauov Amangeldy
Scholastic degree
Doctor of Technical Sciences; Academician of the International Academy of Informatization (IAI)
Scholastic degree
higher; Mechanical Engineer. Tashkent Irrigation Institute (1961) Candidate of Technical Sciences on specialty 05.05.03- cars and tractors; defense of the thesis at Kharkov Order of Lenin Polytechnic Institute named after Lenin. Doctor of Technical Sciences on specialty 05.05.03- wheeled and tracked vehicles; defense of the thesis at the Institute of engineering science, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Professional experience
58 years
Subjects taught
Dynamics of transport equipment; Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control systems; Design and calculation of tractors; Fundamentals of statistical dynamics of transport vehicles; Methods of teaching of special disciplines.
Scientific publications
1. Selection of the optimal parameters of the coupling during unsettled tractional load of tractor. News of the universities. Mechanical Engineering. №1, 1972.-S. 94 -100 (Moscow) 2. Research the influence of the frequency spectrum of the traction resistance fluctuations on the dynamics of the machine and tractor units with elastic coupling in the coupling. Sbornik mechanizacni faculty Vysoke koly zemedelske v Prace. -C. 245 -260 Prague. 1974. 3. Dynamics of acceleration of machine and tractor units with elastic coupling. News of the Institute of Transportation Engineers named after Žhilin, / ChSSR / 1975 -C. 11 -16 4.Arrangue del lugar y aceleracion del conjunto de tractor. / Scientific Article / Managua: // Revista cientifica de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeneria de la Republica Nicaragua, NEXO, № 9, 1989 P. 15-21 5.Tractor traction dynamics and fuel economy Teaching book. Almaty: Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RK. 1995.124 p. 6. Fundamentals of tractor theory (textbook). Almaty: Publishing house of the Supreme soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education of RK. 1996. 332 bet. 7. Testing and accelerated its approach to the dynamics of caterpillar tractors. "Kereku" Publishing House, 2008. 346 p. Monograph. 8. Stand for testing motor and transmission installation vehicle. Innovative patent number 21733 for the invention. The application number 2008 / 0971.1 from 26.08.2008. Registered in the State Register of Inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 25.06.2009 9. Study of the dynamics of a tracked tractor of class 30-40 kN draw bar and its resource of planetary steering mechanism. "Kereku" Publishing House, 2009. 328 p. Monograph. 10. Engineering study of the frequency of oscillation of the masses of the tractor-car. Bulletin of the S.Toraighyrov PSU.. Power series. № 4. - Pavlodar. 2010.-. Pp 96 - 105 .;
Field of scientific research
Dynamics of wheeled and tracked vehicles
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1.Thomson Reuters Scientific & Scholarty Research. 2012. 2. "The use of distance learning technologies in the educational process " (72 saғat); 2012 3. The certificate of Merit of the USSR State Committee for Economic Affairs. May 1, 1988 .; 4. Certificate of Merit of the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua and the National Liberation Front. November 7, 1987 5. Diploma of the National Engineering University (Managua). November 18, 1988 6.Diploma of Nicaraguan Youth National Committee. July 19, 1989 7. Diploma of National Technical Engineering University (Managua). November 30, 1989 8. "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; 9. "Honorary Head of the Department"; 10. Gold Medal For the Merit to S.Toraighyrov PSU ; 11. Medal "75 years of Pavlodar region". 12. Badge "Y. Altynsarin ": Certificate №569 from 20.11.2014, the (Medal named after Altynsarin).