Ablay Zhunussov
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor (Associate Professor) in the specialty 05.16.00 "Metallurgy" (MES RK, 2018)
higher, Karaganda Metallurgical Institute, an academic degree in Metallurgical Machines and Equipment (1996). Postgraduate studies at the chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after zh. Abishev (2003-2006); Candidate of technical sciences 05.16.02 "metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and rare metals" (2010).
Professional experience
23 years
Subjects taught
the Fundamentals of Engineering and Metallurgical Objects Engineering; Electrometallurgy of Steel; Electrometallurgy of Ferroalloys.
Scientific publications
More than 175 scientific and methodological and scientific works, including 2 monographs, 10 patents, 9 textbooks. The Hirsch index in Web of Science is 2, Scopus is 3.
Field of scientific research
Theory and Technology of Ferroalloy Industry, Processing and Sintering of Industrial Wastes Теория.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
1. Foreign advanced training courses - Curriculum for research and knowledge exchange in the field of education in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship with universities in Japan – Asia-Pacific University of Ritsumeikan (June 2015, Japan). 2. Introductory seminar on the education system in Sweden – Lund University (June 7-11, 2015, Sweden). 3. The best teacher of the University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019. 4. Elected Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences (December 2018). 5. Winner of the National Industry Award "Golden Hephaestus" in the nomination "Scientist Teacher of the Year 2021, held within the framework of the International Mining and Metallurgical Congress "Astana Mining and Metallurgy" 6. "Algys hut" MES RK (December 2021) 7. Foreign courses under the Erasmus+ program "Launching innovative approaches and entrepreneurial abilities for students through creating conditions for employment of graduates in Central Asia (trigger)" Nice, France - May 2022