Temirtas Khamit Baurzhanuly
Lecturer (Assistant)
2015-2019 – S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University – Technological Machines and Equipment – Department of Metallurgy – Bachelor's degree. 2019-2021 – Toraigyrov University – Technological Machines and Equipment – Department of Metallurgy – Master's degree.
Professional experience
3 years. 2021-2022 – Innovative Eurasian University – Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. 2022 to the present – Toraigyrov University – lecturer (assistant)
Subjects taught
"Installation and repair of technological machines", "Reliability of technological machines", "Equipment for ore preparation and enrichment", "Machine drives".
Scientific publications
About 10 publications at international scientific conferences and journals of the CQAFSHE. Author ID in Scopus: – Researcher ID Web of Science: GXZ-5966-2022
Field of scientific research
Research of molds, Research and design development of special couplings.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- Letter of thanks, Toraigyrov University, 2023
Room number, building
Academic degree
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9726-1624