Educational work at the Department of Physical Education and Sports is carried out in accordance with the Provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Strategic Development Plan of Kazakhstan until 2020; Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan - 2030. Prosperity, Security and Improving the Welfare of All Kazakhstanis", "Kazakhstan's Way - 2050: Common Goal, Common Interests, Common Future", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Youth Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Culture", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan", the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, the Strategy "Zhastar - Otanga!" of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" of the NDP "Nur Otan" until 2020;
The purpose of educational work: comprehensive and harmonious development of future specialists based on the principles of integrity and unity, scientific validity, continuity, planning, stage-by-stage implementation of educational events, creation of educational and educational environment at the department.
Objectives of educational work:
- to stimulate students to active social activities;
- to form a negative attitude towards corruption in students;
- to promote the idea of obtaining a quality education, in order to distract students from participation in religious and political associations;
- to form personal responsibility for the fate of Kazakhstan, an active civic position;
- to develop creative activity;
- to develop organizational skills through competitive activities;
- to form scientific ideas about a healthy lifestyle, to instill skills and abilities of spiritual and physical self-improvement;
- to form the experience of interethnic and intersocial communication, to prevent conflicts;
Educational work is carried out in the following areas:
- aesthetic education;
- environmental education;
- intellectual education;
- moral and spiritual education;
- political, legal and patriotic education;
- formation of a healthy lifestyle;
- prevention of religious extremism, radicalization of religion and terrorism;
- labor education of students. Development of a system for assisting graduates in employment;
Tel. 67-36-69, (int. 1148).