Yerzhan Syezdovich Baltabayev
Senior lecturer
In 1997 he graduated from S. Toraighyrov PSU, specialty physical education and biology; In 2006 he graduated from PSU. S. Toraigyrova, specialty "State and local government".
Professional experience
23 years
Subjects taught
Sport Constructions, Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sport-pedagogical Skills in the Chosen Sports, Professional Russian Language, Valeology, Physical Education, Profession-oriented Foreign Language (the English language) (All courses are taught in the Kazakh language).
Scientific publications
published 15 scientific articles in scientific journals, “Forming the Organizational Potential of Students”, “Vestnik PSU”, pedagogical series, 2005, No. 4., “Psychological aspects of conflict situations in the team”, “Vestnik PSU”, pedagogical series, 2007, No. 3 . S.20-24., Textbook "Formation of the organizational capacity of students (pedagogical specialties)", 2010 "Kuresuler" Toolkit, 2012 "Judo" book, 2014
Field of scientific research
основное направление его педагогической и научной деятельности является физическая культура и спорт, профессиональное образование.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
graduated from graduate school, the term of defense of the dissertation - 2010 Laureate of the contest "Best Teacher" - 2011 In 2013, he completed advanced training courses “The use of distance educational technologies in the educational process” in the amount of 72 hours. In 2014, on the basis of the branch of JSC NCCC “Orleu” of the Republican Institute for Advanced Studies of senior and scientific and pedagogical workers of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 240 hours of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.