Borankulova Bakitgul
Senior lecturer
Higher: Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages, 1990-1995, Almaty. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2013-2015, Almaty (Master's programme)
Professional experience
Subjects taught
Basics of translation theory and practice, Translation theory, Practice of informative translation, Practice of written translation, Linguistic and translational analysis of the text, Information systems and translation, ESP
Scientific publications
More than 49 scientific papers, 2 monographs, 1 scientific paper in Scopus 1. Medical terminology in an audiovisual product. XLinguae-European, scientific, language journal Issue 15 (2), 2022, April 2.New vocabulary related to coronavirus: The potential of its use in the Kazakh language and the problem of translation. Теоретическая и прикладная лингвистика, 2021, 7 (3), С.18‒25 (В соавторстве с Zoya G. Proshina) 3. Медициналық мәтіндерді аударуға қажетті кәсіби құзіреттіліктер.ТОРАЙҒЫРОВ УНИВЕРСИТЕТІ ХАБАРШЫСЫ Филологиялық сериясы, № 3 (2020). Б.149-158
Field of scientific research
Theory and practice of transaltion studies, terminology, lexicography
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Diploma of the III degree, "Competition of methodological projects and teaching aids on innovative teaching technologies", Aktobe
Room number, building
Office phone
Tel: 8(7182)67-36-31, вн.1346
Academic degree
Master of Humanitarian Sciences