Zhanat Zhaskayratovich Kamshibayev
Senior lecturer
Scholastic degree
higher; Zhanat Zhaskayratovich graduated from PSU with a degree in Industrial and Civil Construction in 2003.
Professional experience
16 years, including 9 years of research and teaching
Subjects taught
Introduction to Construction Engineering; Budgeting; Technology of Buildings and Structures Construction; Technology of Construction Industry; Engineering Mechanics І. (All courses are taught in the Kazakh language.)
Scientific publications
He has published over 11 scientific and educational works, including the 2015-2019 academic years, 3 articles have been published: 1. Горшкова Л.В., Дахно З.Н, Камшибаев Ж.Ж. Технология строительного производства: учебное пособие. – Павлодар Кереку, 2014. – 80 с.; 2. Камшибаев Ж.Ж. и др. Практическое применение разработанных методик по оценке устойчивости откосов. Материалы междунар. науч. практ. конф. молодых ученых, магистрантов «VII Торайгыровские чтения», Качество жизни в Павлодарской области. Состояние и перспективы. - Павлодар, Кереку, 2015 г.; 3. Камшибаев Ж.Ж. и др. The pile anchor base with use of the extending mixes. 8-ая Азиатская конференция молодых инженеров-геотехников (8 AYGEC) 5-6 августа, 2016 г. г. Астана Назарбаев Университет СКОПУС; 4. Саканов К.Т., Петлина Е. В. , Камшибаев Ж. Ж. Инновационные технологии в строительстве применяемые при реконструкции. В сб.: Материалы международной научной конференции «XVIII Сатпаевские чтения». - том 20. – Павлодар: ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова, 2018. – с. 80 – 87.
Field of scientific research
Modern construction technologies, inspection of the building and construction.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- In 2013 he graduated from the magistracy with a degree in Construction, PSU named after S. Toraigyrova; - cash bonuses and thanks; - certificate of the refresher course “Construction Safety. Organization of construction, reconstruction and overhaul ”in the amount of 72 academic hours from June 17-29, 2019, the Irtyshtransstroy Association, Pavlodar.