Scholastic degree
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor
higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, an academic degree in 554330 Construction, the degree awarded: a BSc. in Construction (2005); a Master’s degree in 6М072900 Construction earned from S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2007), a doctoral program in 6D072900 Construction at L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (2016).
Professional experience
11 years
Subjects taught
Engineering Mechanics I, II, III, Geotechnics II.
Scientific publications
The author of more than 30 scientific and methodological works among them: articles, manuals, explanatory dictionaries. 1. Technical and economical comparing of different wind power unit foundations on geological conditions of Ereymentay city, Fukuoka, Japan, 2015 г., Scopus 2. Анализ вибрационного воздействия от башни к фундаменту ветроэнергоустановки на примере Ерейментауской ВЭС, Бишкек, Кыргызстан, 2016 г., 3. Проектирование плитного фундамента ветроэнергоустановки, Павлодар, 2016 г., 4. Қазақстандағы жел электр станцияларының құрылысына сараптама, Караганда, 2016 г., 5. The analysis of vibrational effect from the tower block to the foundation of the wind power unit (WPU) of Ereymentau wind power station (WPS), Баку, Азербайджан, 2016 г., 6. Еvaluation of wind power unit reliability according to the results of field studies on the example of Еreymentau wind power station, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2016 г., Scopus 7. Design of Foundations for Wind Turbine with Analysis by Finite Element Method, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016 г., ISBN: 978-609-457-956-1, Web of Science 8. Анализ проектирования мобильных зданий сельскохозяйственного назначения в Казахстане и за рубежом, Павлодар, 2017 г., 9. Оценка надежности эксплатируемой ВЭУ по результатам натурных наблюдений на примере Ерейментауской ВЭС, Украина, 2017 г.
Field of scientific research
Design and analysis of foundations and bases for wind turbines
Awards, diplomas and certificates
- participation in the international conferences of Bishkek (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), Azerbaijan (Baku), participation in the Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of Japan (Fukuoka), a scientific internship within Berlin Technical University (Berlin, Germany) (February-April 2015) and Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (October-November 2016). - certificate of a continuing education course “Calculation and design of building structures” in the amount of 72 academic hours from June 17 to 29, 2019, ASI LLP, Pavlodar.