Larisa Tolepkalievna Amrenova
Master of Industrial Training (highest level of qualification)
Higher education, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, 1991-1996
Professional experience
31 years old
Scientific publications
Methods of teaching general technical and special disciplines, manual. S. Toraigyrov. Pavlodar State University, 2015
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Honorary diploma from the rector of "Toraigyrov University", a letter of thanks from the rector of PSU named after S. Toraigyrova, point-rating system of control, courses, 25.11-09.12.2006, "Environment and Sustainable Development", courses, May 19-26, 2014., "MS Excel: basic and advanced level", certificate 72 hours, 29.11.2021.-10.12.2021.
Room number, building
building B office 112