Gyulnara Abayevna Zhukenova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
doctor PhD
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, an academic degree in 4301 Industrial and Civil Construction, the qualification awarded: a construction engineer (1992-1997); - S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, a M. Eng. Degree (2010-2012); – L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, doctoral studies (2018).
Professional experience
15 years
Subjects taught
(taught in Kazakh) Technical Mechanics, Numerical Methods for Structural Analysis, Housebuilding, Roads I; (courses taught in Russian) Bases and Foundations for Difficult Soil Conditions, Monolithic Housing Construction, Geotechnics II.
Scientific publications
Author of 37 scientific and methodological works, 8 articles were included in the Scopus database, 1 article was published in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal with a non-zero impact factor.
Field of scientific research
Underground structure analysis for buildings and structures
Room number, building