Viktor Tadeushevich Stanevich
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Doctor PhD
Scholastic degree
Associate Professor KKSON, PSU Professor
Higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, specialty - Industrial and civil construction, 1985, postgraduate study - Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Construction (KazGASA), Almaty, specialty - 05.23.05 - Building materials and products, 1996.
Professional experience
The total work experience 39 years, scientific and teaching work experience - 26 years.
Subjects taught
Building Ceramics I, II, Engineering Systems, Construction Machines, Lifting and Transport and Construction Machines, Basics of Scientific Research, Features of Building Materials Production, Modern Life Support Systems for Construction Objects and Settlements, Modern Technologies of Building Materials and Materials.
Scientific publications
There are more than 125 articles, including 8 patents for invention. 1. Construction ceramics. (Tutorial), PSU them. S. Toraigyrov, - Pavlodar: Kereku, 2009 2. Waterproofing solution. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 21930, 2009 3. ANALYSIS OF CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESSES OF DURING FIRING OF CERAMIC TILE MADE FROM COAL OUTPUT WASTE. Scientific journal "Edicationandscienscewithoutborders". - Prague: Czech Republic, 2011 - No. 3
Field of scientific research
Ecological aspects of waste industry.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
In 2005 he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2007, won the state grant "The best teacher of the university." In 2011 he was awarded the Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov Gold Medal. In 2012 - Honored Worker of Education, MES RK Letters and gratitude PSU.