Kapar Shakimovich Aryngazin
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Professor, HAC Associate Professor
higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute (1964-1968), Mathematics
Professional experience
58 years
Subjects taught
Designing of Enterprises with Basics of Computer-Aided Design System; Basics of CAD; Simulation Modelling; Technique and Technology of Atmosphere Protection; Basics of Life Safety; Occupational Safety; Basics of Industrial Security; The use of waste products
Scientific publications
more than 200 scientific and educational works have been published: book «АЖЖ элементтерімен астық элеваторларын жобалау» («Эверо», Алматы, 2015), book «Проектирование зерновых элеваторв с элементами САПР» («Эверо», Алматы, 2015), monograph «Научно-практические основы технологического проектирования зерновых элеваторов с элементами САПР» (Эверо», Алматы, 2015), book «Safety basis of chemical and technological industries» («Textbook», Almaty, 2016), «Инновационные технологии использования твердых техногенных отходов предприятий теплоэнергетики и металлургии Павлодарской области в производстве строительных материалов» («Эффективные рецептуры и технологии в строительном материаловедении. Международный сборник научных трудов», Новосибирск, 2017), «Перспективы утилизации древесных отходов» (Сборник материалов ХХXV Междун. науч.-практ. конф. «Scientific perspectives 2018», Москва, 2018) «Использование техногенных отходов в производстве строительных материалов ТОО “ЭкостройНИИ-ПВ”» («Всероссийский отраслевой журнал “Строительство: новые технологии – новое оборудование”», Москва, 2018) и др.
Field of scientific research
automation of designing industrial enterprises; computer methods for calculating environmental pollution from industrial emissions; environmental engineering problems.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
Certificate of Merit of the Minister of Procurement of the Kazakh SSR (1984), Bronze Medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR (1987), Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2001), Gold Medal named after S. Toraigyrova (2010), Certificate of Merit of the Pavlodar Regional Maslikhat (2010), Breastplate “Y. Altynsarin ”MES RK (2012). Winner of the contests "The Best Scientist of the Year at PSU" (2010) and the "Best Head of the Department of PSU" (2011). Winner of the title "Best University Lecturer MES RK 2012" and Satpayev Scientific Prize (2013). Electronic textbook “Fundamentals of industrial safety” (computer program), 2012, electronic textbook “Labor protection and basic safety” (computer program), 2013, “Designing grain elevators with CAD elements”, a textbook recommended by RUMO at ATU Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014, “Astyқ elevator ң kursts қ women’ diplomas қ zhobalaryn jasau, study guide, ATU ҚR BҒM of the Republic of қu әdistemelyk bіrlestіgіmen basuғa ұ synyldy, Almaty, 2015, Р Design of elementary devices, basic equipment for designers, basic equipment Lambert, Germany, 2015 Prepared 3 candidates of sciences, 30 masters. Currently, he directs the scientific work of two graduate students and 2 undergraduates. In May 2013, advanced training at NSTU, Novosibirsk; from December 15, 2013 to January 10, 2014 - scientific internship at Lund University, Sweden. seminar "New metallurgical technologies in the German metallurgical industry", 2016