Valentina Gennadievna Nikiforova
Associate professor
Scholastic degree
Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Scholastic degree
PSU Associate Professor
Higher, Pavlodar Industrial Institute, specialty - Production of building materials, products and structures, 1977.
Professional experience
the general experience of 40 years, the scientific and pedagogical experience of 37 years
Subjects taught
Concrete Aggregates, Processes and Apparatus, Building Materials, Building Materials and Products, Thermal Insulating and Acoustic Materials, Mechanical, Thermotechnical Equipment and Fundamentals of Automation of Construction Industry Enterprises, Polymer Materials in Transport Construction.
Scientific publications
A total of more than 40 scientific articles, incl. 1 copyright certificate. 1.Mechanism of structure formation of cement - ash compositions. In: VI International Congress on Cement Chemistry, Delhi, 1995. 2. To the theory of the process of sedimentation of cement-ash systems. Scientific and technical progress in improving the durability of buildings and structures: Scientific and Technical Conference, Penza, 2012. 3. Some issues of utilization of waste energy. XII International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Young Researchers to Regions, Vologda, 2013.
Field of scientific research
The use of industrial waste in the production of lightweight concrete.
Awards, diplomas and certificates
awarded the breastplate "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005, awarded the Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov Gold Medal in 2011, has administrative experience as a deputy dean and head of the department.