Composition of the Admissions Office of S. Toraigyrov PSU in 2014

Full nameAdmissions OfficePosition
S.M. Omirbayev Chairman Rector
N.E. Pfeifer Deputy Chairperson Vice-rector for Academic Affairs
T.T. Toktaganov Member Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Zh.T. Sarbalayev Member Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education
T.K. Bekseitov Member Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology
M.K. Kuderin Member Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction
A.I. Begimtayev Member Dean of the Faculty of History and Law
A.P. Kislov Member Dean of the Faculty of Energy Engineering
K.K. Akhmetov Member Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences
T.Ya. Ernazarov Member Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics
N.A. Ispulov Member Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology
R.Zh. Nurgozhin Member Director of the Department for Academic Affairs
A.Ye. Toktushakov Member Director of the Department for Human Resources Management
A.Ye. Kuderina Executive Secretary Dean of the Foundation Faculty