History of the Faculty

Unprecedented scale of industrial and civil construction in the postwar years brought about the problem of qualified staff shortage. Based on the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 20, 1960, Industrial Institute was founded in Pavlodar that later became an important source of manpower for the machine building, construction and energy engineering sectors for the entire Soviet Union.

In November 1962, the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology was established based on the program 0501 Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal Cutting Machines and Tools.

In the period from 1962 to 1987 two faculties were responsible for training specialists in mechanical engineering: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanics and Technology. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offered the following programs: 0509 Agricultural Machinery, 0523 Internal Combustion Engines, and 0529 Refrigerating Machines and Compressor Systems. Owing to the establishment of Pavlodar Tractor Plant in 1966, the Faculty opened the program in 0513 Automobile and Tractor Construction.

In accordance with the requirements of the USSR MH&SSE regarding reorganization of higher education, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanics and Technology were reorganized into the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 1987.

In 2001, the Institute of Construction, Transport and Mechanical Engineering was established on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Engineering and Construction.

Because of the fact that the number of programs and students of the faculty was continuously increasing, the Institute of Construction, Transport and Mechanical Engineering was reorganized into two independent institutes. The Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport was responsible for training of specialists in corresponding fields.

In May 2005, the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport was reorganized into the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport.


Administration of the Faculty

Full name: Kayratolla Kayrollinovich Abishev 

Position: Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Equipment and Logistics

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor of PSU


1. Higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty: 2801 - "Automobile and Tractor constuction", 1999

2. Master, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty: 6N0713 - «Transport, transport equipment and technology", 2007

3. Candidate of Technical Sciences, scientific specialty: 05.05.04- "Road, building and carrying and lifting machines " 2010

Disciplines taught: Testing and diagnosis of transportation. Intelligent transport systems. Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment. Prospects for the development of railway stock.

Work experience: 16 years

  • Publications: the total amount - more than 100

Field of research: Dynamics of transport vehicles, transport telematics.

Professional achievements:

1. The owner of the state grant of MES RK for the talented young scientists for 2008-2010.

2. Medal " The effectiveness of career " (18 January, 2013)

3. A member of the National Academy of Sciences of Engineering and Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan (11.04.2013)

4. The letter of thanks from the rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan (16 December, 2013)

5. The owner of the grant for the trip by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader of the Nation (October 2014)


Full name: Maral Zhanbolatovna Tusupbekova

Position: Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Metallurgy

Academic degree: Master of Engineering

Academic rank: -

Education: Foundry Machines and Technology

Courses taught: Crystallography and Mineralogy; CAD of Technological Machines

Professional experience: 14 years

Publications: over 20 research papers and teaching materials

Field of research: continuous casting

Professional achievements: a letter of appreciation from the Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU

Full name: Asylbek Zhumabekovich Kasenov

Position:  Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Associated Professor of the Department of Machine Building and Standardization 

Academic degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Academic rank: PSU Associate Professor

Education: Mechanical Engineering Technology; Candidate of Engineering Sciences in 05.03.01 Technology and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing

Courses taught: Basics of Interchangeability; Standardization, Certification and Metrology; Technical and Software Support in Meteorology; Topical Problems of Metrology; Engineering and Design Quality Assurance in Mechanical Engineering

Professional experience: 13 years

Publications: over 40 (patents for inventions, research papers, study guides, and teaching materials).

Field of research: metal processing by cutting, design of metal-cutting tools

Professional achievements: letter of appreciation from the Rector, Certificate of Honour from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Full name: Aman Uahitovich Kamarov

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Deputy Dean for educational work, senior lecturer of the Department of metallurgy

Academic rank: Master of engineering and technology

Education: highest,

2001-2006 Pavlodar state University. S. Toraigyrov, specialization «metallurgical machinery and equipment»

2016-2018 masters of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, specialty «Metallurgy»

Professional experience: 12 years

Subjects taught: Technology of structural materials, machines for metal forming, design and calculation of machines and apparatus industry, General metallurgy, automation of technological machines, Powder metallurgy.

Publications and presentations:

1. Методы получения металлических расходных материалов для развития 3D - печати // Международной научной конференции молодых ученых, магистрантов, студентов и школьников "XVIII Сатпаевские чтения". Т.18. - Павлодар: ПГУ имени С. Торайгырова, 2017. - С. 356-363

2. 3D баспа үшін алюминий шығындалатын материалды алу мәселелері мен мүмкіндіктері // Международная научно-практическая конференция «IX Торайгыровские чтения», Павлодар, ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова, 2017, 18-23)

3. Перспективы применения 3D моделирования для сложных объектов в металлургии, с параметрами требующих высокой прочности // Международная научно-практическая конференция «IX Торайгыровские чтения», Павлодар, ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова, 2017, 58-62

Field of research: Research and development of technology for obtaining spent metal materials for 3D printing

Professional achievement:

A letter of thanks from the rector of PSU. S. Toraighyrov 2018.


Full name: Asylkhan Vladimirovich Mazdubay 

Position: Deputy Dean for Scientific Work, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Metallurgy

Scientific, academic degree: Master

Education: 2001-2006 - higher, S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University, specialty "Metallurgical machines and equipment", qualification "Engineer»;

2006-2008 – masters of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, specialty "Metallurgy»;

2012-2015 – PhD in the specialty 6D071200 "mechanical engineering" in KSTU;

2017 - academic degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D071200 "Mechanical engineering" (Committee for control in the field of education and science MES, Astana).

Disciplines taught: Hydropneumatic machines and drives, rolling production technology, technology of structural materials, Mechanical equipment for the production of metals, installation and repair of oil and gas processing equipment

Work experience: 12 years.

Work in this organization:

PSU named after S. Toraigyrov

01.09.2006-31.03.2008 - assistant of the Department of metallurgy»;

01.04.2009-01.11.2009 - teacher of the Department of metallurgy»;

02.11.2009-31.08.2018 - senior lecturer of the Department of metallurgy»;

From September 2018 to the present time associate Professor of the Department "Metallurgy".

01.09.17 - 01.02.18 Deputy Dean for educational work of the faculty of metallurgy of mechanical engineering and transport

From 01.02.18 Deputy Dean for research of the faculty of metallurgy of mechanical engineering and transport

Advanced training:

1. Modern systems of computer-aided design, modeling and production. Reg.Nr.ME-14286" Vilnius, Lithuania, 24.11.– 03.12.2014.

2. English course. Pre Intermediate. Pavlodar, 01.10-30.12.2015.

3. New Metallurgical Technologies in the German Steel Industry. Pavlodar, 02.02.2016 – 09.02.2016.

4. GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories". Astana, 06.06-08.06.2017

5. Strategic Management, International Project Management, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization. G. Pavlodar

6. Doctoral studies, 6D071200 - Mechanical engineering. Karaganda, 2012 - 2015

Membership in professional organizations:

Member of the trade Union Committee, Pavlodar state University named after S. Toraigyrov

Field of research: technology of thermo-frictional metal cutting.

Publications and presentations:

1. Experimental study of optimal parameters of pneumatic motor of vibration table for inertial vibroabrasive machining the parts on the basis of beryllium oxide // News of the academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh national research technical university named after K. I. Satpayev, series of geology and technical sciences – Volume 5, Number 431 (2018), 184 – 191.

2. The research of the temperature impact in tool-workpiece contact on the quality of the cut at thermofrictional cutting // Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering – Lodz, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2017) 755–762.

3. Mathematical modeling of thermofrictional milling process using ANSYS WB software // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – Sofia, Vol. 47 No. 2 (2017) pp. 24-33.

4. Increase of precision of casting blocks by applying acoustical oscillations in gas-impulsive moulding // Journal of Vibroengineerining – Volume 17, August 2015, Issue 5

5. Импульстік салқындатумен термофрикциялық кесу кезінде түйісу аймағындағы орташа температураны есептеу әдістемесі // Вестник КазАТК им. М.Тынышпаева – Изд-во КазАТК им. М.Тынышпаева, 2015.- №4. С. 18-23.

6. Исследование процесса термофрикционной отрезки металлических заготовок с импульсным охлаждением // Вестник КазАТК им. М.Тынышпаева – Изд-во КазАТК им. М.Тынышпаева, 2015.- №4. С. 24-34.

7. Исследование устойчивости диска при термофрикционной резке с применением ПО ANSYS // Вестник КазАТК им. М.Тынышпаева – Изд-во КазАТК им. М.Тынышпаева, 2015.- №4. С. 35-43.

8. Кесуші құралдардың беріктілік тәуелділігінің талдауы // Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С. Сейфуллина.- Астана: Изд-во КазАУ, 2015.-№2(85) – С.131-137

9. Машинажасау өнеркәсіптеріндегі метал дайындамаларды кесудің жағдайы мен мәселелері // Труды университета. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГТУ, 2015.- №4(61)- С.35-37

10. Әр түрлі құрылымды үйкеліс дисктерімен термофрикциялық кесу кезінде шығынқылардың пайда болуын зерттеу // Труды университета. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГТУ, 2016.- №3(64)- С. 20-24.

11. Конструктивные особенности отрезных станков для резки металлических заготовок // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований – Москва: Изд-во ИД «Академия Естествознания», 2015, № 10 (часть 5). - С. 785-788.

12. Кинематическая схема специального станка для термофрикционной резки металлических заготовок с импульсным охлаждением // Международный журнал экспериментального образования – Москва: Изд-во ИД «Академия Естествознания», 2016, № 5 (часть 3). - С. 334-336.

13. Гидравлическая система специального станка для термофрикционной резки металлических заготовок с импульсным охлаждением // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. – Москва: Изд-во ИД «Академия Естествознания», 2016. – № 6-2. – С. 222-227.

14. Система охлаждения специального станка для термофрикционной резки металлических заготовок с импульсным охлаждением // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. – Москва: Изд-во ИД «Академия Естествознания», 2016. – № 7 (часть 4) 2016, стр. 544-546.

15. Экспериментальные исследования способа термофрикционной отрезки с импульсным охлаждением при обработке сортового проката различных профилей // Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – Москва: Изд-во ИД «Академия Естествознания», 2016, №11 (Часть 1). - С. 36-40.

16. О технологий термофрикционной резки металических заготовок на малых скоростях // Труды V Международной научно-практической конференций «Инновационные технологии и экономика в машиностроении», Юрга: 2014.-Т-1.

17. Исследования твердости поверхности реза при термофрикционной отрезке // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Современная наука: теоретический и практический взгляд».– Нефтекамск: РИО ООО «Наука и образование», 2015.- С.29-32.

18. Способ термофрикционной отрезки металлических заготовок с охлаждением и конструкция дисковой пилы // Патент №31934 РК на изобретение. 30.03.2017г. Бюл. №6.

19. Устройство для термофрикционной резки металлических заготовок // Патент №2165 РК на полезный модель. 15.05.2017г. Бюл. №9.

20. Шкив сборный // Инновационный патент №29046 РК на изобретение. 15.10.2014г. Бюл. №10.

21. Устройство для резки деталей цилиндрической формы // Инновационный патент №29110 РК на изобретение. 17.11.2014г. Бюл. №11.

22. Станок отрезной // Патент №32054 РК на изобретение. 15.05.2017г. Бюл. №9.

23. Определение безразмерного критического параметра нагрузки фрикционного диска (программа для ЭВМ) // Свидетельство о государственной регистрации прав на объект авторского права за № 0046 от 11 января 2016 г.

24. Термофрикциялық кесуде майлау-суыту сұйығының әсерін зерттеу // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «VII Торайгыровские чтения. Качество жизни в Павлодарской области. Состояние и перспективы», посвященной 55-летию Павлодарского государственного университета имени С. Торайгырова. Том 5. - Павлодар: Изд-во ПГУ, 2015.- С.82-87.

25. НАRDOX болатын термофрикциялық әдіспен кесу мүмкіндігін ғылыми зерттеу // Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция науки, образования и производства – основа реализации Плана нации» (Сагиновские чтения №8), 23-24 июля 2016 г. Часть 3. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГТУ, 2016. – С.147-148.

26. HARDOX болатын термофрикциялық кесу процесінде жылудың таралуын ABAQUS бағдарламасымен зерттеу // Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция науки, образования и производства – основа реализации Плана нации» (Сагиновские чтения №9), 22-23 июня 2017 г. Часть 3. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГТУ, 2017. – С.253-255.

Honours and awards:

1. A letter of thanks from the rector of PSU. S. Toraigyrov, 2018

2. Letter of thanks from the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018

3. State scientific scholarship of talented young scientists in 2018, Order № 672 from 06.12.2018 (http://sc.edu.gov.kz/main/announcements/1891/)


Location of the Faculty: Pavlodar, 139 Ak. Chokin St., room B-204

Telephone: 8(7182) 67-36-30, ext. 12-21

E-mail: fmmt@psu.kz


Programs Offered

The Faculty offers 7 Bachelor's,  5 Master's, 1 Doctor degree programs:

  • 5В070800 Oil and Gas Engineering
  • 5В070900 Metallurgy
  • 5В071200 Mechanical Engineering
  • 5В071300 Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology
  • 5В072400 Technological Machines and Equipment
  • 5В073200 Standardization, Certification and Metrology
  • 5В090100 Organization of Transportation, Traffic and Transport Operation
  • 6М070900 Metallurgy
  • 6М071200 Mechanical Engineering
  • 6М071300 Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology
  • 6М072400 Technological Machines and Equipment
  • 6М075000 Metrology
  • 6D071300 Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology



The academic staff of the Faculty consists of more than 60 highly qualified teachers and specialists, 54% of them have advanced academic degrees and ranks.

The Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport has 4 Departments and training workshops:

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Standardization

Department of Metallurgy

Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering

Department of Transport Equipment and Logistics


Accredited Programs

National System of Education Quality Assessment (NSEQA) implies internal and external evaluation of the quality of education and learning achievements of students. To this end, the Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency in Education held a specialized accreditation (December 2013) and issued certificates of specialized accreditation from January 31, 2014, registration numbers: SA No. 0005/2, SA No. 0005/3, SA No. 0005/4, SA No. 0005/5, SA No. 0005/6.

List of accredited Bachelor's degree programs:

1. 5B070800 Oil and Gas Engineering;

2. 5B071200 Mechanical Engineering;

3. 5B071300 Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology (by industry);

4. 5B072400 Technological Machines and Equipment (by industry);

5. 5В090100 Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation;

List of accredited Master's degree programs:

1. 6M071200 Mechanical Engineering;

2. 6M071300 Transport, Transport Equipment and Technology;

3. 6M072400 Technological Machines and Equipment.

List of accredited PhD programs:

1. 6D070900 Metal industry;

2. 6D071200 Mechanical Engineering;

3. 8D071 Transport, transport equipment and technology;



Achievements of the Faculty

Resources and Facilities


Curriculum Support and Development
