The heads of large agricultural enterprises of Pavlodar region gathered at a round table in Toraighyrov University.

Scientists-experts discussed the interaction of agricultural producers with the university on career guidance and student employment.

The director of the Pavlodar experimental station Bayzhan Ualkhanov invited future graduates for placing in a job.

He noted that the legislation has recently been amended, according to which graduates of agricultural departments are required to work ю in their specialty within three years if they had a grant.

“This will increase the role of jobs in the towns nearest to the city. Our experimental station, which is located just 20 km from the city, has jobs. The station today receives new equipment, the staff structure will change, and new jobs will be opened”, B. Ualkhanov said.

The paid practice, three meals a day and a new dormitory were promised by the director of the farm "Zhana Kala" Kairat Turlybaev.

“Students and practicians regularly come to our practice. There was a problem with accommodation and housing. We plan to renovate one accommodation and open a summer dormitory in the near future in order to invite all fourth-year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology to production practice”, K. Turlybaev said.

For the training of specialists for the village, the administration of the Department of Agriculture awarded letters of thanks to faculty scientists Professor Ulan Almishev, deputy dean for educational work Zhastlek Uakhitov, associate professor Irina Anikina.