On the eve of the International Anti-Corruption Day, the quest game “AntiParaCraft-2023” was held at Toraighyrov University, in which 8 teams from all faculties took part.


The game consisted of several stages, including homework - shooting videos on anti-corruption topics. The participants played the interactive game KAHOOT, composed a cinquain for the word “Corruption”, and also provided justifications for the situation with corruption offenses.


The game was held with the support of the department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Pavlodar region, the Pavlodar branch of republican public association “Adildik Zholy”, and the administration of the university.


The organizers were the ToU compliance service together with the department of youth policy and social work.


“The anti-corruption quest game, as a new method of preventing corruption, is aimed at active involving of young people in the formation of an anti-corruption culture, education and cultivation of the integrity principles and academic honesty,” noted the organizers of the game.


As a result, 1st place was won by the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd place was won by Computer Science and Faculty of Agricultural Sciences won the 3rd place.