The qualifying stage for World skills in the molding work of foundry production was held, in which Nazymbek Seifulla, a student of Toraighyrov University, won second place in the regional stage


 Nurbolat Kulumbaev, head of the laboratories of the Department of Metallurgy of ToU, participated in the work of the judicial commission.

 - Students need to show their skills not only in studies, but also in practice.  Therefore, competitions of professional skills are becoming very popular today.  There, teachers can appreciate future specialists, and representatives of large enterprises and business can provide themselves with a high-quality personnel reserve.  ToU supports such competitions and is glad that the students of our university participate in them and win prizes.  This speaks of the quality of education that is given within the walls of our university, - said the rector of the university Yerkin Sadykov.

 Such an event allows the university students to develop in the field of foundry production, this is a new format in teaching working professions to students in  that are in demand in production.