Toraighyrov University has been implementing the Erasmus + project “Triggering innovative approaches, entrepreneurial skills and attitudes in HEIlearners through creating the favourable conditions for graduate’s employability in Central Asia” since January 2021,  The project is funded by the European Union.





Project coordinator - Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia.  The consortium includes 4 European and 11 Central Asian universities.

The project aims are to develop the entrepreneurial skills of students to increase future employment opportunities, as well as to strengthen the relationship between the university and enterprises.

At this time, within the framework of the project, the TOU is carrying out an audit and self-assessment of readiness for future challenges associated with changes in the labor market.  The innovative HEInnovate methodology, developed by European experts, will allow the university to gain a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in the field of developing students' entrepreneurial skills and creating the necessary conditions for their further employment.  The survey of employers and graduates of TOU, as well as professors, administrative staff and top managers of the university, carried out in this period, is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of measures taken by the university to create an entrepreneurial environment and increase the entrepreneurial potential of students and teachers of TOU.

Within the framework of the project, intensive training courses are planned in European partner universities in the following areas: development of entrepreneurship training programs, implementation of effective schemes for the formation and development of an entrepreneurial environment, support for the employment of graduates and corporate services, mechanisms of cooperation between universities and companies.