The shooting of a new student insta-series “Alliance” has started within the walls of Toraighyrov University. The first episodes will appear on social networks at the end of August.

For the director, screenwriter of the film Dauren Sharipov, this project will be the debut.

- The idea to shoot my own series came in the fall of 2020.  I was inspired by other insta-series filmed in Pavlodar and Kazakhstan.  These are “Love in the District”, “Brothers,” notes Dauren. “The main feature, we believe, is that students participate in the filming.  Actors, screenwriters, director, cameramen - we are all students.  I would like to popularize cinema in Pavlodar.  We will try to show the life of ordinary students and our city.

On the first day, according to cinematic tradition, the film crew broke the plate.  Filming will start on August 11.