40 hours, associate professor of the Department of Law Bulat Olzhabayev and professor Serik Bastemiyev lectured for colleagues from Siberian Institute of Management.

Our experts shared their experience in anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“The most interesting was the new approaches of Kazakhstan in this matter. We are moving away from the concept of corruption, and we are paying more attention to prevention, issues of honesty and decency. Kazakhstan aims to revive legal consciousness and culture. The anti-corruption legislation of Russia is tougher and has a different approach, focusing on the punishment system. We were attracted by the phenomenon of “Legal Clinic” - free advisory assistance to the population. Clinics are created on the basis of universities, where future lawyers provide assistance”, B. Olzhabayev shared.

So, for example, Toraighyrov University has a front office that provides students with services on a “one-window” basis. This not only avoids queues and saves time, but is also a powerful factor in countering corruption and eliminating bureaucratic obstacles. Non-contact communication with government agencies.