A report-election conference of the trade union organization of employees was held on September 3 in the primary trade union organization of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The conference was attended by the chairperson of the “Trade Union Center of Pavlodar Region” Dinara Aytzhanova and the chairperson of the “Pavlodar Regional Organization of the Kazakhstan Industrial Trade Union of Education and Science Workers” Gulbaram Naurazbaeva.

Speaking in the debate on the discussion of the report, Acting Rector of S.Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor of Economics Meiram Begentayev emphasized that the collective labor agreement will be revised and finalized at PSU, including proposals made by employees to increase social guarantees for employees.

“Today, trade unions have a second wind, their powers have been expanded, including legal protection of each employee of the enterprise,” M. Begentayev noted.

The chairperson of the trade union committee, Raisa Mustafina, addressed the audience with a report on the work of the trade union committee.

Members of the trade union organization receive permits to sanatoriums with a 40% discount, have a rest in the sports and recreation camp "Bayantau". We monitor the implementation of the collective agreement on providing workwear, the provision of social leave, the organization of appropriate working conditions, make decisions on the material assistance to employees and home front workers and other”.

The meeting ended with an open vote on an alternative basis, following which Zhastlek Uakhitov, was elected as a new chairman of the trade union committee.