The solemn graduation ceremony for the first graduates of bachelors who were trained under the Serpіn-2050 state program as part of the social project “Mangilik el zhastary – industriyaga!” - “Serpіn” was held at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

Arman Akishev, Vice Rector for development strategy, educational and social work, Doctor of Political Sciences, deans of faculties and teaching staff came to handle diplomas and congratulate graduates and parents.

The graduation of bachelors in 2019, who completed training under the Serpіn program, amounted to 265 people in six faculties.

And Soloists of the university student philharmonic society congratulated graduates, presenting a festive concert.

It should be noted that in total 549 students in 20 specialties from five regions of Kazakhstan are studying at PSU under this program since 2015.