To the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions, a round table “Tragic pages of history” was held in S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was organized by the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Representatives of ethnocultural associations of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, academic experts, graduates and university students took part in the round table.

A professor of PSU Saule Mamytova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor Amantai Kudabaev, spoke in detail about the role and importance of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in the life of the country. The senior teacher of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, Gulnar Tokhmetova, spoke about the labor contribution of the deported peoples to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Summing up, the participants agreed that representatives of all nationalities living on the territory of the Soviet Union became victims of repression. And today our task is to preserve the memory of our compatriots who suffered from political repression. The younger generation should be aware of the value of the peaceful development of the state and not allow the repetition of such events.

During the round table, those present were also able to familiarize themselves with the book exhibition “Preserve the memory of the past.”

In conclusion, the resolution was adopted.