In advance of the Victory Day celebration, the delegation of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, consisting of an Meyram Begentayev, Acting Rector, Doctor of Economics, Arman Akishev, Vice-Rector for Development Strategy, Educational and Social Work, Doctor of Political Sciences and Bari Gazizovich Zhanakhutdinov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University, visited homefront workers of the Great Patriotic War.

Congratulating on the upcoming holiday, homefront workers received gifts and were thanked for their invaluable contribution to the Great Victory and selfless work.

“We are united by a great memory. Such meetings are an opportunity to share warmth and care with those who, in the difficult wartime, continued to work daily, bringing Victory Day nearer. We must do everything so that future generations know about the heroism and incredible resilience shown by their ancestors. We should pay special attention to veterans and workers of the Great Patriotic War, so that they live in care and respect every day. The farther we are from those times, the higher our responsibility to you”, said M. Begentayev.