Students of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University met on the dialogue platform to discuss the results of the second year of implementation of the program article “Looking to the Future: Modernization Public Consciousness”.

At Pavlodar State University, events are being held and projects are being implemented that promote the revival of national identity, the development of Kazakhstani society and patriotism.

A report on the activities of the volunteer unit “La vie Dobro”, was presented by its leader Karina Zakarina. She said that one of the leading goals of the group is to form youth’s feelings of mercy and selfless solution to the problems of society and the state as a whole.

Today the formation of a spiritually and aesthetically developed personality is of particular relevance. In this regard, representatives of the creative associations “Arcaboleno” and “Murager” shared the results of their activities, talked about their performances and immediate plans.

Ramil Smailov told about the work of the “Birlik” student assembly:

- The Student Assembly attaches great importance to the dissemination of ideas of spiritual unity and interethnic harmony, to fostering an active life and civic position in creating a legal and democratic state, and studying and preserving the historical and cultural heritage.

Summing up the meeting, the director of the institute “Rukhani Zhangyru” Yerzhan Toraighyrov noted:

- Today we have touched upon a small but important part of the events held within the framework of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program - events organized primarily by the students themselves. I believe that such diverse activities will be a good motivator for our young people, and the ranks of volunteers, theatre enthusiasts, activists will be replenished, and at the same time it is the personal contribution of each student to the issue of reviving the spiritual values of Kazakhstani people, taking into account all modern risks and challenges.