The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations to Agriculture”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Experts and scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia and the Czech Republic gathered to discuss the main issues of agricultural science.

Rector of University, Gaukhar Akhmetova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences noted that over the years of its existence the faculty has grown into one of the leading centers for training specialists for the agro-industrial complex. It united talented scientists and researchers, formed a strong educational and material base.

“The faculty occupies a leading position on the results of the external evaluation of the educational achievements of students among Kazakhstan universities. Our experts have made an important contribution to the development of the most advanced and high-demand areas in agriculture, have created an authoritative school, the results of which are of great practical importance. With the direct participation of the faculty, developments in advanced areas of animal husbandry, the food industry and agronomy find application in the region”, G. Akhmetova emphasized.

During the conference, there was a solemn awarding with the medal dedicated to the 125th anniversary of S. Toraighyrov, as well as the presentation of the film dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the faculty and four books, including the chronicle of the creation of the faculty, collections of conference materials, a bibliographic reference book of scientific articles and the book “Ulgalatty ustaz, galym”.

The conference continued in six sections, where the issues of the rational use of the plant and animal world, industrial ecology, environmental education and others will be considered in detail.