The traditional “Hackathon”, in which the project of PSU students “SmartPlace” won the third place took place at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The event was organized by a start-up academy of PSU and “Qazaqstan Innovations” LLP.

Its peculiarity is that developers have to work out an original project in 24 hours. These can be business ideas, mobile applications and other technological developments.

The competition was attended by over 70 people.

Students of the Department of Computing Engineering and Programming at PSU Sergey and Andrey Mysak presented the “SmartPlace” mobile application, which combined the following directions: “Smart City” and “Smart Home”.

“In the “Smart City” we have implemented a platform in which you can get news about what is happening in the city and how it is developing, what ways can improve the quality of life”, Andrei says. - “Smart Home” is a universal platform for all “smart” devices, ranging from on and off, control of light, temperature and air conditioning.

The application will work on Android and iOS operating systems. It will also be possible to integrate it with the website. 

The first place was won by the project of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School team.

The “silver” was won by students of the “Bіlіm-Innovatsiya” boarding school.

The third place was won by the idea of PSU students.

As noted by the organizers, the distinguished projects will be invested by private entrepreneurs of the city, if they will be interesting.