By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 5, 2018 Bizhan Zhumaseyt, professor of the Kazakh language and journalism department, a senior researcher at E. Bekmakhanov Scientific and Research Center for History and Ethnography of S.Toraighyrov PSU was awarded the Order “Kurmet”.

Having worked on the regional Pavlodar television for more than 30 years, Bizhan Zhumaseyt is also the owner of the sign “Honorary Journalist of Kazakhstan”, the gold medal named after S.Toraighyrov, medals “For the developing of virgin and fallow lands”, “Veteran of Labor”, “For services to the region” and many other awards.

We add, the Order “Қurmet”, established in 1993, is awarded to citizens for merits in the development of the economy, social sphere, science and culture, education, for exemplary service in state bodies and active social activity.