Tatyana Dronzina, PhD, Professor of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky” lectured to the students, Master’s and doctoral students of S.Toraighyrov PSU.

In her lectures Tatyana Dronzina covers gender issues, problems of studying public opinion and other topics.

T. Dronzina shared the opinion of our university.

- I lived 4 years in Kazakhstan and I come to Pavlodar State University for the second time - here are my best friends and projects, therefore your country has become for me a part of my life, - she shares. - And it is very pleasant that your students have maintained that respect for the senior teacher, that is being lost in Europe.

Let us add, the winner of such awards as the medal “20 years of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan” and the gold “Birlik” Tatyana Dronzina is an expert of UNDP on mediation support in Kazakhstan, an international expert on countering terrorism, a member of the Council at the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.