Students and teachers of S.Toraighyrov PSU and the leaders of the ethnocultural associations of the city gathered at a round table dedicated to the Day of the First President.

The event was organized by the Department of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of PSU, together with the “Birlik” student assembly.

The discussion also focused on the program article of the Head of State “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” and his attention to the youth of the country.

Elmira Petrosyan, Chairman of the Public Association “Pavlodar Regional Armenian Society “Ayrenik ”, noted the significance of the ancient history of our country, adding that representatives of the nomadic culture of the Kazakh steppes left a very deep impression with their achievements, which many representatives of other ethnic groups still use today.

- For example, the Great Silk Road, about which the President also spoke, once laid the foundation for trade and mutual enrichment of cultures, is still of great importance to us, despite the fact that steam ships, trains, and planes were invented. All this points to the fact that our President offers new approaches in order to preserve and increase all this for a reason, says E. Petrosyan.

The participants discussed the contribution of the Head of State to the peaceful and creative coexistence of different ethnic groups in the country.

“Thanks to the unique ideas of the President, all ethnic groups of Kazakhstan live in peace and harmony and Kazakhstan is a model of how all ethnic groups should coexist on the same territory”, said Ramil Smailov, chairman of the student assembly.