Professor Ram Viranjan, PhD was appointed Vice Rector for internationalization of education at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, in April 2018.

The appointment of a new vice-rector became possible within the framework of the State Program for the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, which provides for the involvement of foreign specialists in the top management of universities.

During this time, R. Viranjan continued to work to strengthen cooperation with foreign experts. Seven experts from India, Sweden, Portugal, Bulgaria and Canada were invited as consultants for research projects and lecturers.

In addition, cooperation has been established with five universities in India, Russia and Spain on the organization of academic mobility of students, faculty and staff of the university.

R. Viranjan has developed a strategy for the internationalization of the university, having worked out the issue of interaction with organizations for the promotion of scientific and innovative projects and more.

Also, he created a case and educational programs in English for students of specialties “Design” and “Painting”.

Let us recall that in December the term of the employment contract of Professor Ram Viranjan with S.Toraighyrov PSU will be completed, but the interaction on the organization of academic exchanges of students, teachers and staff, the development of joint research projects will continue.