Students of S.Toraighyrov PSU, studying within the “Serpin” program, met with potential employers at the alumni fair.

The event was attended by the heads and experts of thirty-five enterprises, organizations of small and medium-sized businesses of Pavlodar region, including a branch of JSC “TNC Kazchrome”, JSC “Aluminum of Kazakhstan”, PB LLP “KSP Steel”, Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant, LLP “Rubikom” and others.

The students were able to personally communicate with employers, ask questions, familiarize themselves with job offers and internships from participating companies.

“The fair was attended by 267 graduates in sixteen technical specialties. Representatives of the enterprises talked with students, selected CVs of candidates for further work. 197 applications for vacancies were received from employers. Such meetings will be regular for the university”, said Zinaida Zhanpeisova, head of the Division of practice and employment.

She also noted that such events play an important role in the successful employment of young professionals. During face-to-face communication with an employer, graduates have the opportunity to learn more about the company activities and job offers.