Graduates of the specialty “Finances” of S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University for the first time defended dissertations in English.

Ayslu Asylkhanova and Aliya Kapsattarova presented reports in English to the chairman and members of the state certification commission, led by Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Alma Musina.

In addition, Altynay Arkatova, under the leadership of Dinara Aiguzhinova, Candidate of Economical Sciences, associate professor, successfully defended her scientific work in the Kazakh language.

As Rysty Sartova, the head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Candidate of Economical Sciences, since 2016, within the framework of the state trilingualism program 30% of the disciplines for Master’s degree students of the specialty “Finance” are conducted in English.