A seminar for responsible employees of state authorities on media relations was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The main goal of the meeting is to arrange coverage of the activities of local executive bodies in the media, to learn how to represent not just reliable but interesting and accessible information.

PR-consultant, director of White Media agency Rinat Balgabayev told about interaction of civil servants with the media and basic tools of work in social networks.

“If an organization that provides services to the public is not present in social networks, then it seemed to not exist, because the entire target audience is there. Today it is faster, easier and cheaper to epress all your ideas and thoughts in this way. Thanks to social networks you can get an objective picture of what is happening and establish feedback”, R. Balgabayev said.

Training of the editor of the Irbis TV company, press secretary of the “Pavlodar Tram Department” Timofei Golev was devoted to the issues of creating press releases, interaction of press-secretaries with journalists, as well as journalistic inquiries and rules of the “golden hour”.

A networking on account promotion and teambuilding between participants was held Within the framework of the training