The second competition of student projects dedicated to the memory of the national architect of the USSR Kaldibai Montakhayev was held at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of PSU.

The review was established by the professor's family in order to encourage the educational, scientific and creative activity of full-time students. 

The students presented their works in four directions in different genres and different techniques. As a result of the competition, the jury selected projects, and the best of them were awarded money rewards from the family of K. Montakhayev. 

In the nomination “Architecture” the diploma of the first degree was awarded to Takhir Zeynolla, who presented a multifunctional public building. The second place was shared by Anel Abdrakhmanova and Natalya Ulchenko. The model of Victoria Abitova “Depth-Spatial Composition” took the third place.

Project of Anel Abdrakhmanova is the winner of the second place in the nomination “Design”, third place was won by Valeria Lopokh.

The winner in the nomination “Fine Arts” is Tatyana Kopeikina, who presented her vision of the landscape “Embankment”. The imaginary architectural spaces of Darya Alekseenko and the font composition of Victoria Gammer were awarded the second-degree diplomas.

According to the sister of the architect Dina Zhumagalievna Musinova, in short-term plan of the organizers is to increase the level of the event and involve more talented students from different universities.